What started out with only four balloons in 1974 has grown into what may be called the premier hot-air balloon event in the Pacific Northwest. The Walla Walla Balloon Stampede in its 40th year expects to draw 40 balloons and over 40,000 visitors. The balloons are scheduled to start flight at 6:30 am on May 9th, and continue through May 11th, 2014 including the Saturday, Nite Glow.
Meanwhile at the Walla Walla County Fairgrounds will be the site for family fun including such things as antiques and collectibles, a juried art and crafts show with wine tasting, a classic car show on Saturday from 10:00 - 4:00, horse racing, vendor's booths and of course great food and music. Festival Hours are: Friday 12 pm - 10 pm, Saturday 8 am - 11 pm and Sunday morning launches. It will be a fun filled weekend for all.
More information about the events can be obtained at www.wwvchamber.com or by calling 509-525-0850.